If you have read my last post you know that I've done the H20 Lazer treatment. S
The products are helping my skin to clear up and to kept clean.
These are the products that I'm using.
I can use them day and night.
Starting by.. Five times a week, I have to use the makeup remover water. I use it on (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,Saturday and Sunday) At night. After using the cleanser
Once a week (On Tuesday) I do the mask and leave it for 2 minutes on but apply it by padding on the skin since this is an exfoliating aswell. Using it at night and after using the cleanser.
Once a week (On Friday) I exfoliate with the same product that I use on Tuesday. In a small circular motions. At night and after using the cleanser.
Every single day, day or night I use the gentle cleanser. I love it. It makes your face afterwards very soft and clean.
After the cleanser, using the moisturising. It is a very gentle moisturise for damaged skin.
Last and not least, using the amazing repairing cream. It helps my skin to calm down from the redness. I use it only at night.
Hope you found it helpful if you needed some help.
Thank you.